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  • Writer's pictureErica Fawley

Never Miss a Moment

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

The following is my story for starters to catch you up as I finally move forward with my blog. Its about time seeing I wrote this years ago and am finally publishing it in 2019!

I have always believed “everything happens for a reason” and I also usually went to bed without washing my face. A once single mom at the age of 19, pharmacist at 24, and after patiently waiting for THE ONE, this girl turned into a wife at 35.

Being a single mom for 16 years wasn’t easy, it for sure changed me, and only pushed me to be a better person because I wanted the best for him. I wanted to be the best for him. I never quit chasing my dreams of being a pharmacists & when I heard “you can’t ” or “no” my drive only accelerated!

Keaton is 7 or 8years old & in Ft. Lauderdale on a boat going snorkeling for the first time. He looks so happy here! Haha – Tired I think. But at 26 or 27 years old, I was determined to take him places and show him the world.

I have practiced in retail pharmacy for 20 years and while I have always loved my job it doesn’t allow the flexibility I need in order to enjoy life with my family. The hours are horrible, every other weekend is getting unbearable, working holidays makes me sad, and overall corporate America is just not my cup of tea. I went into pharmacy because of my passion to foster relationships with patients and help them better their lives. Now days, I rarely have the opportunity to do that and my quality of life is suffering.

In 2013, I met my husband, we fell in love, were engaged, sold our houses, got married in July of 2014, and then moved to Nashville in August because of his job promotion. I had lived in the same place for 30 years, close to family and friends. We moved and my son who once defined my life was always on the go, and my husband was traveling a lot. The dream life I had waited for to share with someone and not be alone was not panning out how I imagined, and in 2015 I found myself alone, sad, and getting very depressed and homesick. This does nothing positive on a new marriage, and I had to do something. I hated my new job, had no comfort, and was slowly losing a pieces of me! I started looking for solutions. I knew I wanted something to occupy my time that I loved, that helped me meet new friends and eventually would let me be at home more than not. I had bills, debt, student loans previous to getting married that I wanted to pay off to give my husband financial comfort. So, I was determined to find something that would provide this.

I had dabbled in other sales not to be impressed & I knew about Rodan + Fields but not the opportunity it provided. No one tried to reach out to me, I reached out to friends I knew were consultants and started to ask questions. As a customer of Proactiv for almost 15 years, I clearly loved the products and once I made the connection between the two product lines …there wasn’t much more to think about. After contemplating R +F half of 2015, in January 2016, I met a new friend in our neighborhood. We hit it off and when adding her as a friend on FB I saw she was a consultant. That was it! Gut check…. I felt it, we chatted, I attended an online event in February , and the possibilities all lined up! This was what would change my life & so I JUMPED! I signed the next day never using R+F products before, but trusted in it all because I knew about the doctors behind these products. I immediately loved the business and dove into training to be a mommypreneur. Within 2 months, I earned my investment back and now started my own side gig for $0!

I have worked in R + F around my already full-time stressful 40+ hour a week job, traveling, and just about any time because my husband and I would love to add to our family, and I want to be able to be home more when this time comes. I missed out on so much with my son because I was in school or working to provide for us! I am blown away by the possibilities now for my future. I have been amazed by the women and relationships I have made on this journey. I love helping others gain confidence by getting the best skin they can & form new friendships with people all over the US I would have otherwise never met! I know this all happened for a reason! I have already been able to pay off some debt, splurge a little, regained my confidence, and have full confidence by the time we do add on to our family we will be in a much happier situation because of this opportunity!

And now here we are. Thank you all for being a part of this journey!

It’s truly been a blessing to my life. Follow me as I share more moments that have shaped my beautiful life to be what it is today.

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